Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ryan budget ignores CBO, reality, says health care repeal will reduce deficit

The non-partisan, number crunching CBO has long since become a major nuisance for the GOP, since many of it's conclusions about the realities of the budget run counter to GOP budget truthiness. That's the case again in the so-called "Path to Prosperity," Rep. Paul Ryan's plan to weed the nation of the elderly, the sick, and the disabled so the rich people can get even more stuff.
In the case of this budget proposal, Ryan conveniently ignores the fact that the CBO saysrepealing the Affordable Care Act won't reduce the deficit.
The budget plan unveiled by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) Tuesday does a neat trick: It claims that repealing the health care reform law will actually reduce the federal budget deficit—despite extensive analyses by the Congressional Budget Office that show exactly the opposite.
The CBO—which is the gold standard for budget analysis and number crunching on Capitol Hill—has issued a series of reports which conclude that the health care law will reduce the deficit and, by corollary, that repealing the health care law will cause the deficit to go back up.
This is a problem for Republicans, who dismiss CBO findings out of hand. Indeed, the budget they unveiled Tuesday morning relies on unofficialnumbers to create the impression that repealing the health care law willreduce the deficit.
According to the GOP budget, repealing the health care law will reduce the deficit by $1.4 trillion by 2022. CBO, by contrast, holds that repealing the health law now will add well over $200 billion to the deficit over the same time frame....
It's not clear where Ryan is getting his numbers. Asked about this disparity at a Capitol briefing Tuesday, House Budget chairman Paul Ryan claimed to have used CBO figures and not to have dictated assumptions to its analysts.
See, now that's boldness and courage, to get the real numbers, but pull the analysis completely out of your ass. And all the Very Serious People applaud. Because you can't finally break the stranglehold America's elderly and disabled have on our government unless you cook the books.

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