Thursday, March 24, 2011


First study to examine the national burden of arthritis among specific Hispanic groups

An estimated 3.1 million Hispanic adults in the United States have arthritis.

A newly released CDC study provides information on the burden of arthritis among specific Hispanic groups in the United States. CDC found the prevalence of arthritis varied across Hispanic populations, ranging from 12% among Cuban/Cuban-Americans to 22% among Puerto Ricans. The study also showed that at least one in five Hispanics with arthritis experienced an adverse effect associated with arthritis such as activity limitations and pain. Approximately 1.4 million Hispanics had activity limitations due to arthritis, making it the most common disability across Hispanic groups.

In this report, CDC described the prevalence of arthritis and arthritis-attributable effects (activity limitations, work limitations, pain) among seven groups of Hispanics. The Hispanic groups were— Mexicans; Mexican Americans; Central and South Americans; Puerto Ricans; other or Multiple Hispanics; Cuban/Cuban Americans; and Dominicans. This analysis was based on data from the National Health Interview Survey, a survey that is designed to be representative of the U.S. civilian population.

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